Vrijeme je za radnike
18. Feb

Vrijeme je za radnike

Hrvatsko tržište rada proteklih godina prolazi kroz dramatične promjene – nezaposlenost je na povijesno niskoj razini, udio stranih radnika...
Trade Unions for a Fair Recovery
31. Mar

Trade Unions for a Fair Recovery

The project entitled ‘Trade Unions for a Fair Recovery: Strengthening the Role of Trade Unions in Mitigating the Impact of the COVID-19...
Work Fit for People
26. Jul

Work Fit for People

The aim of the project ‘Work Fit for People’ was to improve the capacity of the UATUC and its affiliated trade unions in the area of fighting...
Together we are Stronger
03. Apr

Together we are Stronger

The aim of the project entitled ‘Together we are Stronger’ was to contribute to the long-term sustainable strengthening of the social dialogue...
EDUCA – a New Trade Union Education System
26. Jul

EDUCA – a New Trade Union Education System

The aim of the project ‘EDUCA – a New Trade Union Education System’ was the establishment of a new unique system of educating trade union...
Strengthening Bipartite Partnership through Joint Work on Collective Bargaining
31. Oct

Strengthening Bipartite Partnership through Joint Work on

The aim of the project ‘Strengthening Bipartite Partnership through Joint Work on Collective Bargaining’ was to contribute to the efficiency...
Strengthening the Tripartite Social Dialogue
01. Sept

Strengthening the Tripartite Social Dialogue

The main aim of this project was to strengthen and promote tripartite social dialogue at all levels and to improve its efficiency and...


Only when organised in a union can workers collectively bargain with the employer about their wages and working conditions and organise strike action if they cannot agree with the employer on these issues.

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