As part of the project, two studies were carried out in partnership with the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb (IDIZ) and the Croatian Employment Service (HZZ): ‘The terms of fixed-term work: prevalence, regulation and experience of fixed-term contract work in Croatia’; and ‘Seasonal work: report and results of research on seasonal work’. The outcomes of both studies were used in the implementation of campaigns within the project itself and they helped the UATUC and its affiliated unions adapt trade union work to those employed on atypical contracts, especially fixed-term contract and seasonal workers.
During the project, five different campaigns were carried out which contributed, among other things, to informing different groups of workers about workers’ rights and empowering them to exercise these, as well as to expanding cooperation between trade unions and employers on the issue of improving job quality in working environments.
During the project various public activities and events, forums and training activities were carried out and several communications tools prepared. These included leaflets on the rights of seasonal workers and a brochure intended for works councils containing guidelines to monitor the legal aspects of employment on atypical contracts, etc.
The project was implemented by the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia (UATUC) and the project partners were the Trade Union of Tourism and Services of Croatia (STUH), the Commercial Trade Union of Croatia (STH), the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb (IDIZ) and the Croatian Employment Service (HZZ).
The total value of the project was HRK 996,355.54, of which 85 per cent was financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund and 15 per cent from the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia. The project duration was 24 months and it was implemented between 27 July 2020 and 26 July 2022.
Contact person:
Darko Šeperić, Project Manager, +385 1 46 55 026
Only when organised in a union can workers collectively bargain with the employer about their wages and working conditions and organise strike action if they cannot agree with the employer on these issues.