The UATUC database of collective agreements contains the agreements concluded by trade unions affiliated to the UATUC and some others that are publicly available.
The main purpose of the database is to provide assistance to all members of our unions who participate in collective bargaining.
In addition to the full text of the agreements, the database also contains structured data with about 120 indicators for each individual agreement.
The database enables not only a quick overview of a certain collective agreement and the exact location of its specific provisions (without the need to read the entire text), but also a simple comparison of several agreements and an automatic creation of statistics on individual provisions.
Comparisons and statistics can be produced on any selected sample of agreements, for example for a specific sector or trade union, or among hand-picked agreements which the user wants to compare.
The database enables the monitoring and analysis of the content of collective agreements, a feature which is not available anywhere else in Croatia.
The full functionality of the database is available to all members of our trade unions.
The database of collective agreements was created as part of the project ‘Strengthening Bipartite Partnership through Joint Work on Collective Bargaining’, implemented in 2014 and 2015 with the financial support of the European Union via the European Social Fund.
Only when organised in a union can workers collectively bargain with the employer about their wages and working conditions and organise strike action if they cannot agree with the employer on these issues.