As part of the project, the tasks of trade union representatives and specialists at different functions and levels were analysed and the competencies required for the effective performance of certain functions (shop steward, works council member, health and safety representative, regional workers’ representative, member of a trade union body) were defined. Based on these competencies, several training programmes were drawn up and implemented.
The project also resulted in the improvement of two-way information flow and the coordination of activities between workers’ representatives, trade unions and the UATUC via the definition of an internal communications plan, the development of an internet platform (app) for the two-way transfer of information and regional discussions. The project contributed to the ability of the UATUC and its affiliated trade unions to represent young workers by encouraging activism among young members, increasing awareness of the need to adapt trade union activities to young people and by strengthening the ability to communicate directly with young workers and to understand their needs.
The project was implemented by the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia (UATUC) and the project partners were the Commercial Trade Union of Croatia (STH), the Autonomous Trade Union of Workers in the Power Industry, Chemistry and Non-metal Industry of Croatia (EKN), the Trade Union of the Construction Industry of Croatia (SGH), the Trade Union of Tourism and Services of Croatia (STUH), the Metal Workers Trade Union of Croatia – Industrial Trade Union (SMH-IS) and the Croatian Youth Network (MMH).
The total value of the project was HRK 1,497,833.92, of which 85 per cent was financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund and 15 per cent from the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia. The project duration was 18 months and it was implemented in the period between 4 October 2018 and 3 April 2020.
Contact person:
Darko Šeperić, Project Manager, +385 1 46 55 026
Only when organised in a union can workers collectively bargain with the employer about their wages and working conditions and organise strike action if they cannot agree with the employer on these issues.