
Strengthening Bipartite Partnership through Joint Work on Collective Bargaining

The aim of the project ‘Strengthening Bipartite Partnership through Joint Work on Collective Bargaining’ was to contribute to the efficiency and sustainability of social dialogue in Croatia. The specific aim was to increase the capacities of the social partners for bipartite (and tripartite) social dialogue through the establishment of a system for monitoring and analysing the content of collective agreements, as well as to improve the sense of partnership between trade unions and employer organisations.

As part of the project activities, a database of collective agreements was created to facilitate monitoring and analysis of the content of collective agreements. This database was the basis for other project activities including: a comparative analysis of trends in collective bargaining in Croatia and other EU member states; the creation of a practical manual for participants in collective bargaining; the training of trade union and employer specialists on updating and using the database; three bipartite workshops on trends in collective bargaining in the sectors of tourism, construction and the metal industry; and four regional workshops on trends in collective bargaining for shop stewards and representatives of individual employers. The project ended with a final conference on collective bargaining. 

The project was implemented by the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia (UATUC) and the project partners were the Croatian Employers’ Association (HUP) and three branch trade unions affiliated to the UATUC: the Trade Union of the Construction Industry of Croatia (SGH), the Trade Union of Tourism and Services of Croatia (STUH) and the Metal Workers Trade Union of Croatia – Industrial Trade Union (SMH-IS). The total value of the project was EUR 110,996.45, of which 90 per cent was co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund.
The project duration was 12 months and it was implemented in the period between 1 November 2014 and 31 October 2015.

Further information about the project as well as the database of collective agreements can be found at www.kolektivni-ugovori.info.


Contact person:
Darko Šeperić, Project Coordinator
darko.seperic@sssh.hr, +385 1 46 55 024



Only when organised in a union can workers collectively bargain with the employer about their wages and working conditions and organise strike action if they cannot agree with the employer on these issues.

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